Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

Tips Membersihkan Rumah dengan Vacuum Robot

vacuum robot

Anda ingin membersihkan sebagian besar ruangan yang ada di rumah? Ada hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan yaitu fungsi dan isi perabotan. Coba lihat ke dalam karpet, biasakah Anda membersihkan karpet menggunakan sapu? Jika, Anda menjawab tidak maka sudah dapat dipastikan area bawah karpet terdapat tumpukan kotoran. Ada alat yang mampu menyerap seluruh kotoran di ruangan […]

Confused About A Floor Cleaning Machine? Find the Answer Here!

floor cleaning machines Robot Pembersih

Do you have a vacuum cleaner right now? But you are confused as you do not know how to care for a vacuum cleaner. Floor cleaning machines, if not treated properly, will cause damage that can harm the owner. Therefore, you can carefully read how to take care of the vacuum cleaner below. Tips for […]

Automatic Floor Cleaner : Understanding and Benefits

automatic floor cleaner Ecovacs T8

Have you ever heard of an automatic floor cleaner? You’ve certainly heard of it. After hearing it, do you want to have the best automatic floor cleaner or vacuum cleaner in Surabaya? You can get it easily here. Before making a purchase, it’s good to know and understand the benefits. Definition of dust suckers A […]

The Type of Floor That Can be Cleaned by a Mop Robot

mop robot Alat pel otomatis

The floors in one building do not use the same type of floor. With the difference in the use of floor types, of course, it becomes a challenge. What challenge is that? challenges in cleaning the floor. The type of floor becomes one of the differentiating factors for cleaning, especially in mopping. However, don’t worry […]

Tips on Cleaning the House with Robotic Vacuums Ecovacs

robotic vacuum Robot Pel Lantai

Do you want to clean most of the rooms in the house? There are things that you need to pay attention to, namely the function of the furniture. Take a look at the carpet. Do you usually clean the carpet using a broom? If you answer no, then it can be ascertained that in the […]