
Automatic Vacuum Cleaner



Original price was: Rp6.000.000.Current price is: Rp3.990.000.
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Automatic Vacuum Cleaner



Original price was: Rp9.500.000.Current price is: Rp6.990.000.
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Automatic Vacuum Cleaner


Ecovacs DEEBOT N30 PRO OMNI – Black

Original price was: Rp11.900.000.Current price is: Rp9.990.000.
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Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Ecovacs DEEBOT N30 PRO OMNI – White

Original price was: Rp11.900.000.Current price is: Rp9.990.000.
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The floors in one building do not use the same type of floor. With the difference in the use of floor types, of course, it becomes a challenge. What challenge is that? challenges in cleaning the floor. The type of floor becomes one of the differentiating factors for cleaning, especially in mopping. However, don’t worry because there is the best mop robot distributor in Surabaya.

Know the types of floors

There are many types of floors that can be cleaned with mop robot Surabaya 2021 ecovacs, including the following:

Cement floors

This floor has been applied long enough in Indonesian house buildings, even before the existence of the use of ceramics.

This floor is natural, but do you know about mopping on this type? This mopping can be done by sweeping first to remove coarse dirt. After that, it can be used directly using a mop usually.

However, if you do not want to bother using ecovacs Indonesia mop robot efficiently and effectively.

Ceramic flooring

Most homes and buildings in Indonesia use ceramic floors. This floor is widely used for one thing!

This floor is widely used because it is easy to mop and sweep using any tool, including broomsticks and an electric mop. In fact, today’s floor cleaners are formulated for ceramic flooring.

If you need an electric mop and broom, you can get them easily now through e-commerce and the official website of ecovacs Indonesia, Surabaya.

Linoleum floor

This floor is not widely found in housing or offices in Indonesia. This floor is identical to the word ‘recycle’.

So how to mop it? It can be done by mopping a field of coating.

Read! 10+ Recomendation Robot Deebot

Wooden floors

Not a few houses use wood floors. Can wood floors be coated like ceramic floors? Of course, you can.

Choose a mop with a microfiber cloth. However, if you are confused at this time just use an electric mop that is easy to carry everywhere and able to reach all corners of the room.

Benefits of electric mop

After knowing how to mop different types of floors, you should know that the right solution to overcome the problem of different types of floors is an electric mop.

As time flies, mop robots created to provide many benefits for their users, including you.

You can mop easily without the need to bother distinguishing the type of floor in the room of a building.

With an electric mop, this mop is able to reach the smallest places in conditions that are dark enough to be reached by a conventional mop. In addition, the electric mop accelerates the work because it is more effective and efficient. Therefore, get great benefits from the electric mop that is already provided here.

Ecovacs Indonesia

Instagram : ecovacs.indonesia
Youtube : Ecovacs Indonesia

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