Category Archives: Lifestyle

Menyapu dan mengepel dengan Robot Sapu dan Pel Otomatis

Cara Kerja Vacuum Cleaner Robotic

Capek kerja malah dihadapkan dengan lantai rumah yang kotor? Sebenarnya, masih kepikiran bahwa menyapu dan mengepel sebelum berangkat kerja menjadi kewajiban? Namun, ada beberapa waktu yang membuat Anda menunda menyapu dan mengepel lantai rumah dengan alasan Anda terburu-buru karena sebentar lagi masuk ke tempat kerja. Tenang saja, Anda tidak perlu lagi khawatir karena ada robot […]

Floor Cleaning Machine That You Must Have in the Apartment!

floor cleaning machine

The main key to health is the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. There are many viruses or germs scattered, so it takes cleaning tools, and floor cleaning machines. Why floor cleaning machines? Because these tools are able to create a healthy and clean apartment, it is comfortable to live in. Do you want a comfortable […]

Get to Know the Home Cleaning Robotic Vacuum Cleaner!

robotic vacuum cleaner Review Deboot Ecovacs Indonesia

There are many types of vacuum cleaners that you should know about today. Do you already know the types, whether it starts with a robotic vacuum cleaner or something else? You should know about the types of vacuums so that cleaning activities at home become easier and reduce the amount of time at work. In […]

The Cleanliness of The Home Environment with Robot Floor Cleaner

robot floor cleaner alat pembersih lantai otomatis

The little thing that needs to be kept in mind is that ‘A healthy family starts with the cleanliness of the house.’ So the question is, is the environment of your home clean? You should know that a clean home environment can maintain the health of the whole family. Not only that, you and your […]

Mopping and Sweeping Robots Become A Daily Necessity?

mopping and sweeping robot Rekomendasi Alat Pel Lantai Otomatis

Tired of work or even faced with a dirty house floor? Still, think that sweeping and mopping before leaving for work becomes a daily necessity? However, there are some times that make you procrastinate sweeping and mopping the floor of the house because you are in a rush to get into the workplace. You no […]

Children Can Play Safely On The Floor With a Robotic Mop!

Robotic Mop Mesin pel lantai otomatis

Being blessed with the presence of a child becomes its own happiness for parents. But, not a few children’s presences become boomerangs because of the concerns of parents, especially those children that begin to be actively moving. Children begin to lie on the floor, crawl, and run around. Surely a few parents are concerned just […]